Hope you enjoy this audio created with intention to support you in activating your Earth Star chakra. This chakra is beautiful to work with for Manifestation and connecting with the Resources you made need on your path, Healing Ancestral Lines, and Grounding Cosmic and Empathic energy. Working with the Earth Star is also incredibly supportive of the physical self, and physical reality.
So very often we find ourselves in this almost top heavy energetic state which leads to anxiety, escapism, over thinking, confusion, depression, etc. Taking a moment each day to Ground and connect with the Earth Realm is an incredibly harmonizing process which releases anxiety and supports good sleep and overall wellness, but also on an energetic level puts us back on our path of those who support the Earth.
Suggested Ritual
Set your intention, such as It is my intention to connect with the Earth through my Earth Star chakra for the purposes of healing and manifestation. Sit and focus on the music. See if any emotions or thought patterns reveal themselves, and if they do simply validate these and allow them to flow through you to be processed.
Imagine a large boulder-like star deep below your feet or seat in the Earth. Notice if it is spinning already, and if it is not begin to spin the star through your will or intention. As it begins to move you may feel not only more and more grounded but also as if a drain has opened and now your energy flows freely and powerfully. Send you love and gratitude down into the Earth, and receive all the support and resources this Realm has to offer for your Path.
Lune INNATE is a teacher of Esoteric Healing Arts, who also creates ASMR healing sessions by proxy. Gre.vo is a creator of electronic music, and videographer. We've talked about doing this project together for years, and even has a few false starts, so to finally see it in motion is extremely exciting for us both.
Hope you enjoy XO.
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