Hope you enjoy this track created with intention to support inner child healing, as well as heart chakra work. This song has been created to serve as a compliment to the last track we uploaded titled Inner Child Healing. Essentially a track with similar notes, working with the Heart Chakra and Sacral, but with a more of a daytime or active energy.
The inner child is a beautiful and powerful theme to work with and heal, and in doing so we are able to not only move forward in life with more support, patience, and empowerment, but also we heal fragmentations of our personal past. It supports healing childhood trauma and allows us to choose a path without these wounds, beliefs.
When we are children we have little choice of the experience we have, and we are much more reliant on the circumstances of our childhood environment. This is a type of natural law we could say. But as we grow there are limitation which are no longer necessary. one aspect of healing the inner child is that we release limitation, patterns and victim mentality.